Word also has loads of keyboard combos for applying character formatting.
Applying Character Formatting
You can use the shortcuts to apply formatting to selected text or to whatever you type next if no text is selected.
- Ctrl+B: Apple bold formatting
- Ctrl+I: Apply italic formatting
- Ctrl+U: Apply underline formatting
- Ctrl+Shift+W: Apply underline formatting to words, but not the spaces between words
- Ctrl+Shift+D: Apply double underline formatting
- Ctrl+D: Open the Font dialog box
- Ctrl+Shift+< or >: Decrease or increase font size one preset size at a time
- Ctrl+[ or ]: Decrease or increase font size one point at a time
- Ctrl+=: Apply subscript formatting
- Ctrl+Shift+Plus key: Apply superscript formatting
- Shift+F3: Cycle through case formats for your text. Available formats are sentence case (capital first letter, everything else lower case), lowercase, uppercase, title case (first letter in each word capitalized), and toggle case (which reverses whatever’s there).
- Ctrl+Shift+A: Formats all letters as uppercase
- Ctrl+Shift+K: Formats all letters as lowercase
- Ctrl+Shift+C: Copies the character formatting of a selection
- Ctrl+Shift+V: Pastes formatting onto selected text
- Ctrl+Space: Removes all manual character formatting from a selection
Applying Paragraph Formatting
And just like with character formatting, Word has a bunch of shortcuts particular to formatting paragraphs.
- Ctrl+M: Increases a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it
- Ctrl+Shift+M: Reduces a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it
- Ctrl+T: Increases a hanging indent each time you press it
- Ctrl+Shift+T: Reduces a hanging indent each time you press it
- Ctrl+E: Center a paragraph
- Ctrl+L: Left-align a paragraph
- Ctrl+R: Right-align a paragraph
- Ctrl+J: Justify a paragraph
- Ctrl+1: Set single-spacing
- Ctrl+2: Set double-spacing
- Ctrl+5: Set 1.5 line Spacing
- Ctrl+0: Remove one line spacing preceding a paragraph
- Ctrl+Shift+S: Open a popup window for applying styles
- Ctrl+Shift+N: Apply the normal paragraph style
- Alt+Ctrl+1: Apply the Heading 1 style
- Alt+Ctrl+2: Apply the Heading 2 style
- Alt+Ctrl+3: Apply the Heading 3 style
- Ctrl+Shift+L: Apply the List style
- Ctrl+Q: Remove all paragraph formatting
Also read Word Text Selection Shortcuts